本文研究了稻田生境和非稻田生境间寄生性天敌的迁移扩散规律及其对水稻主要害虫的控制作用。结果表明,寄生蜂从大豆生境扩散到稻田生境的数量显著高于其从玉米生境扩散到稻田生境,而田埂种植玉米的寄生蜂扩散数量与不种植玉米相比无显著性差异。田埂配置大豆的有机稻田内二化螟Chilo suppressalis、三化螟Tryporyza incertulas、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis cnienee和褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens的卵寄生率分别为17.8%,20.3%,10.2%和12.4%,与未配置大豆的对照相比分别增加了4.3%,7.5%,2.1%,和3.4%;它们的幼虫寄生率分别为14.7%,31.7%,21.3%,7.3%,与对照相比分别增加了5.3%,9.8%,5.7%和2.8%。而田埂配置玉米的有机稻田的二化螟,三化螟,稻纵卷叶螟和褐飞虱的卵寄生率分别为10.3%,14.4%,8.6%和9.3%;与未配置玉米的对照相比分别降低了3.2%,增加1.6%,0.5%和0.3%;它们的幼虫寄生率分别为10.3%,19.4%,17.5%和2.6%,与对照相比分别增加了0.9%,降低了2.5%,增加了1.9%和降低了1.9%。研究结果可为通过建立合理的水稻邻作模式进行害虫生物防治提供重要科学依据。
The movement of natural enemies into organic rice fields beside a ridge on which soybean and maize were planted was compared to that into a control rice field with no soybean or maize crops nearby. We found that significantly more natural enemies moved into rice fields from soybean than from maize habitat. Parasitism rates of the eggs of Chilo suppressalis, Tryporyza incertulas, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis cnienee, and Nilaparvata lugens in the organic rice field adjacent to soybeans were 178%, 203%, 102%and 124%, respectively, which were 43%,75%,21%and 34%higher than those observed in the control. Parasitism rates on eggs of the four pests in the organic rice field adjacent to maize were 103%, 44%, 86%and 93%, respectively, which were 32%, 16%, 05%and 03%lower than in the control. The rates of occurrence of larvae or nymphs of the four pests in rice adjacent to maize were 103%, 194%, 175%and 26%, respectively, which were differences of +09%, -25%, +19%and -19%respectively, compared with the control. These results provide important information for the biological control of crop pests.
Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology