特厚煤层(厚度>8m)放顶煤开采过程中,采空区遗煤多,煤自燃火源隐蔽,位置和程度难以判定,加大了矿井火灾防治的难度。本文通过ANSYS FLUENT软件对山西峁底矿13204易自燃煤层综放面(煤层平均厚度12.06m)采空区的空间自燃"三带"分布规律进行了研究。模拟结果表明:沿采空区走向,在底板进风侧附近,氧化自燃带离工作面最小距离为20m,宽度68m;沿工作面倾向,氧化自燃带沿垂直于工作面的中心线呈非对称分布,进风侧氧化自燃带最宽,回风侧次之,采空区中部最窄;沿垂直高度方向,进风侧氧化自燃带距离底板最高可达30m,其宽度为12m。本文研究结果有望为特厚易自燃煤层综放面采空区防灭火提供理论借鉴作用。
In the mining process of extra-thick seam,lots of coal which is not mined absolutely exist in the goaf.Because of hidden spontaneous combustion,it is not easy to determine the location and extend of combustion,which increase the difficulty of the mine fire prevention.This paper study distribution law of spontaneous combustion"three-zone"in goaf of Maodi mine in Shanxi Province(Average thickness of coal seam is 12.06m)which is fully mechanized top coal caving mining face with extrathick coal seam.The results show that:In trend of goaf,the widest point of oxidized spontaneous combustion zone could reach 68meters appearing near the inlet air of side base plate in the distance of working face 20m;In tendency of mining face,the width of inlet air side is the largest while the width of return air side come second and the width in the middle of goaf come last.Oxidized spontaneous combustion zone distribution is asymmetric along the center line perpendicular to the working face;In vertical height,oxidation spontaneous combustion zone in goaf near the inlet air of side can be reached 30mhigh from the floor,while its width is 12m.It gradually become narrowed along with height increase.And its distribution scope is gradually moving closer to the working face.It has provided the reliable theory basis and practical experience for the fire preventing and extinguishing in fully mechanized top-coal caving face of goaf.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture(Natural Science)