

The Pioneering Spirit's Historical Basis,Formation Conditions,and Era Significance——Learning Xi Jinping's Historical Reflections on the Red boat Spirit
摘要 论述了"首创精神"产生的历史依据:在指导思想上,开创了以马克思主义为指导的历史先河;在奋斗目标上,明确提出为社会主义、共产主义奋斗;在代表对象上,明确宣布是代表劳动阶级利益的政党;在建党形式上,开创了中国政党的"民主建党"先河;在革命方式上,以革命武装推翻资产阶级的统治;在领导力量上,形成了领导中国革命胜利的核心力量。"首创精神"是在特定历史条件下形成的:新文化运动和"五四"运动是其孕育的土壤;以马克思主义为指导是其灵魂;中国革命实践是其形成的坚实基础;中华民族精神是其精神源泉;革命时代是其产生的宏观背景。它带给我们的时代启示是:坚持与时俱进的政治品格;坚定不移地走自己的道路;以全球化的眼光发展党;认真贯彻执行好党的群众路线。 This paper elaborates on the historical basis of "the pioneering spirit"., for the gmdmg Ideology, a historical precedent with Marxism as the guidance had been created; for the striving goal, the struggle for socialism and communism was clearly put forward; for the object behalf, the CPC was clearly on behalf of the working-class interests; in the form of party construction, a "democratization party construction" precedent of Chinese parties had been created; in the revolution mode, the rule of the bourgeoisie was overthrown by the rev- olutionary armed forces; for the leader force, the core been formed. "The pioneering spirit" was formed under force leading the victory of the Chinese revolution had specific historical conditions~ the new culture movement and the May 4th movement was the nurturing soil for it; the guidance of the Marxism was its soul; the practice of the Chinese revolution was a solid foundation for its formation~ the Chinese national spirit was the spiritual source for it; and the revolution era was its macro- background. The enlightenment it brings to us: to insist on the political character of keeping pace with the times; to unswervingly take the road of our own; to develop the Party with globalization vision; and to conscientiously implement the Party's mass line.
作者 郭亚丁
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2013年第4期7-12,共6页 Journal of Jiaxing University
关键词 首创精神 历史依据 形成条件 时代意义 红船精神 pioneering spirit historical basis formation conditions era significance red boat spirit
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