Objective To report results of treatment ofotitis media with cholesteatoma using the canal-up technique in pediat- ric patients. Methods Twenty five patients (18 boys and 7 girls, mean age = 15.74±3.97 years ranging from 4 to 19 years)were in- cluded. Average follow up was 6.75±38.32 months (12 -132 months). Thirteen patients received only one operation. Revision pro- cedures were performed in 12 patients (mean revision procedures = 3), resulting in a total of 49 procedures. In 6 cases, the first oper- ation was performed in our hospital 8-16 years ago. Canal down technique was used in 4 of the 6 cases and canal up technique was used in,2 cases. Revision was needed,due to residual diseases including perforation of tympanic membrane, tympanic cavity effu- sion, and recmTence of cholesteatoma. Of the 19 cases in which the first operation was performed in our hospital, 8 presented with 1-12 months history of purulent drainage, 3 with pars tensa perforation, 15 with pars flaceida pockets or granulation, and 1 with in-tact tympanic membrane but conductive deafness. Canal down technique was used in the other 6 cases whose primary operation was performed by other hospitals, all with recurrence of cholesteatoma. Pre-operative average air-bone gap (GAP) over 0.5-2 kHz was 37.16± 15.52 dB HL in 25 cases and mean air and bone conduction (AC and BC)thresholds were 46.45± 17.45 dB HL and 9.45 ±6.12 dB HL respectively. Surgical treatments included eradication of cholesteatoma using a canal-up technique, with the bony bridge or posterior canal wall preserved. The mucosa in mastoid cavity was preserved for possible re-pneumatization. The tympani corda was preserved to support the POPE or TOPE. A tube was left in place in cases with pre-operative tympani cavity effusion. The U test was used in outcomes assessment. Results Drum perforation, effusion and recurrent cholesteatoma were seen during revision in the 6 cases originally operated in our hospital, with cholesteatoma pockets and bone erosion. The recu
Chinese Journal of Otology
Juvenile and Children,otitis media, cholesteatoma, tympanoplasty, haering reconstruction, canal -up, canal-down