
公路隧道火灾排烟风口设计参数优化研究 被引量:9

Study on the Optimization of Smoke Outlets' Layout in Road Tunnel Design
摘要 针对近年来我国隧道工程界出现的关于在长大公路隧道纵向式通风系统中运用排烟风道的争议,本文首先介绍了排烟风道在国内外公路隧道通风工程领域中的应用现状及其发展趋势,继而进一步对涉及到公路隧道火灾排烟风道设计中重要的影响因素进行了探讨。最后,以公路隧道发生火灾的规模、排烟量、临界风速以及救援逃生时间为控制条件,采用有限元数值模拟方法,系统地研究了公路隧道排烟风道排烟口的设置间距、开口个数等参数及其对排烟效果的影响。研究结果认为文中给出的具有C型规格及设置的排烟口可以用于公路隧道纵向式通风排烟风道设计中。 For the controversy comes out in recent years about the use of smoke exhaust channel in long highway tunnel,at first, this paper introduces the current application situation and the trend of smoke exhaust channel in the field of road ytunnel ventilation, then the important factors involved in the design of road tunnel smoke exhaust channel are further explored. Finaly,in the light of the heat release rate, the amount of smoke, the critical wind velocity as well as the rescue and escape time,the finite element numerical simulation method is used to systematically study the reasonable layout of smoke outlets' vertical spacing, opening number and the smoke exhaust effect. It is concluded that the opening specification type C refered in this paper can be used in road tunnel longitudinal ventilation system design.
出处 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期669-674,679,共7页 Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
关键词 有限元 排烟风道 排烟效果 排烟风口 设计参数 the finite element smoke exhaust channel smoke exhaust effect smoke outlet design parameter
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