
国内外息肉样脉络膜血管病变文献计量分析 被引量:2

Bibliometric analysis of domestic and abroad study about polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
摘要 目的了解国内外息肉样脉络膜血管病变(PCV)研究文献的分布规律以及PCV的研究趋势。方法以美国科学情报研究所的网络数据库webofScience(WOS)数据库、中国知网的中国学术期刊网络出版总库为数据源,对2个数据库中截止于2012年12月31日所收录的PCV相关文献的年代分布、语种、国家和地区、基金资助机构、引文情况等进行统计分析。利用文献计量学研究软件Bibexcel、统计学软件SPSS17.0分析软件对高频主题词进行聚类分析。结果共纳入PCV相关文献696篇。其中,外文文献440篇,中文文献256篇。外文文献自2000年起逐渐增多,2007年后明显增多,2011年最多;文献语种以英语为主;日本作者发文最多,我国作者文献量位居第4;在所有有基金资助机构的文章中,我国国家自然科学基金资助的文章数位居第5;引文自2000年起逐渐增多,2008年后明显增多;统计出高频主题词30个;聚类分析结果显示,高频主题词主要聚类于PCV的治疗、PCV的基因遗传学基础研究、PCV的检查诊断及流行病学分析、PCV与黄斑变性等的关系、PCV相关的细胞因子等5个类别。中文文献自2000年起逐渐增多,2006年后明显增多,2010年最多;国家自然科学基金资助15篇;引文白2001年起逐渐增多,2012年最多;统计出高频主题词30个;聚类分析结果显示,高频主题词主要聚类于PCV相关基因及细胞因子的基础研究、PCV的检查诊断、PCV的治疗、PCV与相关黄斑区疾病、PCV与玻璃体积血等5个类别。结论自2000年,PCV文献逐渐增多。国际和国内PCV文献分别在2011和2010年达到峰值。PCV的各种治疗手段及联合治疗与PCV的基因、遗传易感性等基础研究等可能为今后国际上PCV研究的发展方向;而更为深入的基础研究、临床上新的诊断治疗手段可能为今后国内学者在PCV研究领域的关注热点。 Objective To analyze and reveal the domestic and abroad studies on polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) by bibliometric. Methods Foreign articles were searched from American Institute of Scientific Information online database of web of science (WOS) database, Chinese articles were searched from China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database. The age distribution, national and regional, funding agency and citation of the PCV literatures published before December 31 2012 were analyzed by software Bibexcel and SPSS 17.0. Results Totally 696 literatures were analyzed, including 440 foreign literatures and 256 Chinese literatures. The numbers of foreign literatures were gradually increased since 2000, significantly after 2007, reached the maximum at 2011. The literatures were mainly in English, the number of the literatures of China ranked 4th of all countries. The National Natural Science Foundation of China ranked No. 5 of funding agency. Citations gradually increased since 2000, increased significantly after 2008; there were 30 high-frequency subjects, and hot topics were clustered into 5 categories; treatment of PCV, genetics studies of PCV, detection, diagnosis and epidemiology of PCV, relationships between PCV and macular degeneration, related cytokine of PCV. Chinese literatures increased since 2000, significantly after 2006, and reached the maximum at 2010~ there were 15 literatures supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China~ Citation of Chinese literatures gradually increased since 2001, and reached the maximum at 2012. There were 30 high-frequency subjects, and hot topics were clustered into 5 categories: genetics and cytokine studies of PCV, detection and diagnosis of PCV, treatment of PCV, PCVand macular diseases, PCV and vitreous hemorrhage. Conclusions Literatures of PCV were gradually increased since 2000, abroad and domestic literatures of PCV reached maximum at 2011 and 2010 respectively. The abroad research of PCV focuses on 5 categories: treatment of PCV, g
出处 《中华眼底病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期421-426,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
关键词 脉络膜疾病 文献计量学 聚类分析 Choroid diseases Bibliometrics Cluster analysis
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