宝钢开发的连铸漏钢预报系统BBPS ,其预报模型由逻辑判断、神经元网络及空间网络判断模型综合而成。自从 1 999年 9月投入现场应用以来 ,操作性能和各项技术指标比原漏钢预报装置有较大的提高 ,在提高连铸机的产能、改善铸坯质量、减少漏钢事故等方面发挥了重要作用。
Prediction model of Baosteel breakout prediction system(BBPS) for slab cuntinuous casting is composed of the models of logic decision,neural network and space network decision.Compared to the old BO prediction facilities imported from Japan,the operation performance and various technical indexes of BBPS have been improved considerablely since its operation in Sept.1999.It has been playing an important role in the increase of production capacity of continuous casting machine,improvment of slab quality and reduction of BO accident.
Baosteel Technology