
网络政治形态:国际比较与中国意义 被引量:20

Internet Political Forms:Comparative Study and It's Chinese Implication
摘要 网络是人类社会20世纪最伟大的创造之一,它几乎影响了人们在各个领域中的活动。网络对人类政治生活的影响至关重要,形成了独具一格的网络政治形态。本文以"网上政治"与"网下政治"的互动作为研究视角,在比较分析的框架中,揭示了网络政治的独特的两面性与双重性。网络政治作为现实政治的补充者、替代者和重塑者,相应地表现为参与型政治、压力型政治与权力-资本结盟型政治三种形态。网络政治独特的运作机制并没有掩盖它与现实政治的关联,尽管它在诸多层面改变了传统政治的运行过程和关系模式,但在其颠倒机制和聚合机制的背后,存在着一种隐蔽的垄断机制和操控机制。认识网络政治的独特性及其形态,有助于中国从容应对网络政治所带来的挑战。 The emerging of cyberspace is one of the most important creations in 20th century by considering its effect on the human activity in all fields. To ask to which extent it will change the politics becomes the important question of political science today. Generally speaking, in this paper, complement, substitute and reshaping are the three main results of the proliferation of IT and Internet all around the world. Accordingly, Internet politics forms have three types including participation type, pressure type and power-capital alliance type and which type is stronger than others depends on the development level of offline politics. We believe that it's a proper time to ask and find out the interaction mode between the "Online politics" and "Offline politics" which would lead to the answer that there are different modes in different states when comparing with the answer provides by those liberalists who believe that there should be a common universe mode in all states around the world. Starting from exploring the different modes, it also should ask some more detailed questions: what's the relationship between Internet sponsored contentious and development of democracy in those developing states; would pressure in cyberspace become kind of fifth power comparing with the traditional four power patterns; would the emerging of cyberspace make it possible for those nobody have an opportunity to have a face to face dialogue with elites in those so called hierarchical states, at least in certain aspects; whether the pressure from cyberspace would push the self evolution of traditional bureaucracy system, etc. This paper have five main parts: firstly it will make brief literature review and provide definition of key concepts and Internet political form; secondly the authors will try to give a theoretical analysis about Internet politics form and build a new framework, cyberpolifics, as a main analysis tool of the paper; thirdly we have a comparative study on Internet politics in USA, Philippines and Iran. T
作者 刘建军 沈逸
出处 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第4期94-106,共13页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
关键词 网络政治形态 参与型网络政治 压力型网络政治 权力-资本结盟型网络政治 Internet Political Forms, cyberpolitics of participation type, cyberpolitics of pressure type,cyberpolitics of power-capital alliance type
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