在稳态指数统一模型的基础上 ,根据动态过程有效滑移率的理论表达式 ,建立了轮胎非稳态侧偏特性非线性模型 .在实验研究中发现当用有效滑移率和准稳态概念来计算回正力臂Dx时 ,有一种滑移率超前而回正力臂滞后的现象 ,它可以通过一个一阶滤波器来表达 .模型的计算结果与试验结果对比表明 ,该模型可以反映轮胎非线性动态侧偏特性 ,而且具有较高的精度 .它可以用于前轮摆振及汽车操纵动力学的研究中 .
On the basis of the generalized steady state tire model and the theoretical equation of slip ratio, a non linear non steady state side slip tire model is proposed based on a quasi steady state concept. The lag properties of aligning arm are found. It can be expressed by first order filter. The model can reflect the tire non linear lateral properties through comparing the theoretical results with the test results. The model can be applied to the studies of vehicle dynamics and front wheel shimmy.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology