目的了解上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心儿少心理咨询门诊12年间广泛性发育障碍(PDD)患儿的就诊情况,以预见其发展趋势。方法自2000年1月-2011年12月间的病历中,每年随机抽取250份、共3000份,其中再选出诊断PDD的病历,逐一记载资料进行分析。结果 12年间PDD患儿占所有就诊儿童的7.2%,儿童孤独症占其中76.4%;Asperger综合征近年确诊人数明显上升。男女比例维持在7.3:1;上海与外地户籍比例维持在1.5:1;初诊年龄为4~6岁的患儿比例最多,但近年有下降趋势。确诊患儿初诊时平均病程为54.5个月;平均就诊次数为2次、且近年仅1次就诊的比例增多。结论 PDD在近年所受的关注度不断提升。作为专业人员要进一步加强相关知识的宣传,从而对疾病进行更有效的干预。
Objective To understand the developing trend of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)from 2000 to 2012 in Shanghai. Methods The samples were recruited randomly from medical recorders in outpatient department over the past 12 years. 250 cases were recorded each year,in which we chose those who were diagnosed as PDD for further study. Results Pervasive developmental disorder accounted for 7.2; of all diseases of child and adolescent psychiatry. As the most important part of PDD, childhood autism ranked fourth in pediatric psychosis,and the number of asperger syndrome had significantly increased in recent years. The patients from Shanghai and those from other parts of China maintained a ratio of 1.5: 1 ,while the stable ratio between male and female was 7.3:1 ,and for childhood autism,it was 6.9:1. For those patients coming for diagnosis and treatment,'aged 4 to 6" was the largest proportion,but it tended to decrease recently. The average duration was 54.5 months before their first visit to h0.;pital and the average number of visits was 2 times. Those who came for only one time had a obvious upward trend. Conclusion Chinese child and adolescent psychiatry comes up to a advanced level these years. As its important component ,pervasive develop- mental disorder receives more and more attention now. As mental health professionals,we have responsibility to improve child and adolescent psychiatry.
China Journal of Health Psychology