
论印度核能开发的现状、挑战及前景 被引量:6

The Present,Challenges,and Prospect of Nuclear Energy Developmen in India
摘要 印度自建国之初,在政治家与科学家的密切合作下,对各种核能开发资源进行整合建设,提出三阶段核能开发战略。基于能源安全和国际义务的双重考虑,印度继续推进核能开发,取得突出成就。但是,印度的核能开发仍面临社会压力、政治阻力、核平安关注、资金压力等现实挑战。"福岛震惊"触发全球"核平安复兴","核平安复兴"意味着民众对核能平安标准的担忧和要求提高,以及核平安成本的提高,这给印度的核能开发带来一定的民意与政治阻力。尽管如此,全球核能复兴趋势不改,这些压力和挑战难以撼动印度核能开发的决心和意志,印度核能开发前景广阔。 After its independence Indian politicians and scientists closely collaborated with each other to integrate various sources of nuclear energy development and proposed a three-stage development strategy.In light of its energy security and international obligations,India has kept making efforts to develop nuclear energy and achieved tremendous progress.However,such challenges as societal pressures,political resistance,concerns over nuclear safety,budgetary constraints,etc.,remain strong.In particular,the'Fukushima shock'triggered a global'nuclear safety renaissance,'and caused greater concerns about,and greater demand for,nuclear safety among Indians,which meant larger costs and more popular pressure upon and political resistance against nuclear energy development.Nevertheless,the global trend toward nuclear energy renaissance moves forward,and all the pressures and challenges will be unlikely to weaken India's determination and will in this regard.In short,the prospect holds bright for India's nuclear energy development.
作者 李小军
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期75-97,8,共23页 The Journal of International Studies
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