Intersalt dolomites are both source and reservoir formations. Information shows that there are highly Oil immersion body at the top of intersalt formations and multiple source shown by oil correlation that there are oils come from the bed underneath. Oil and gas accumulation are mainly controlled both by paleogeomorphology and fracturing belts. All these facts show that oil and gas migration do occur in the intersalt dolomites. An analysis shows that oil-gas pool forming in the intersalt formations is the result of actions of dynamic factors such as compaction, flotation, and capillary pressure etc, through four channel models: pore-throat in the intersalt formations, microfractures, dislocation of salt formations and combined effects of intersalt high pressure fluid piercement and intersalt faults. This means the pool forming experienced two main stages of intersalt undercompaction and intermittent high pressure microfracturing. Because intersalt reservoirs have rather low permeability, thus such migration are rather limited in scale and distance. Therefore the oil/gas reservoirs in this district have a characteristic of widely distributed oil immersion and the oil are are not controlled by structures The types of oil and gas ed formed are relatively simple Mainly porous type reservoirs formed in some locally fractured belts. Finally some new ideas on oil and gas migration and accumulation are suggested according to the characteristic of oil/gas migration and accumulation efficiencies, which are primary migration efficiency of oil and gas in intersalt formations, flow efficiency of intersalt oil and gas, and pool forming efficiency of intersalt oil and gas, for them, various calculation procedures are suggested. This study gives a basis for the prediction of abundant accumulation belts and locations in the intersalt formations and the evaluation of oil and gas resources in dolomite formations.
Petroleum Exploration and Development
Evaporite bed, Oil and gas migration, Mechanism, Mode, Efficiency, Resource extent, Hydrocarbon generating quantity