
药物专利VS公共健康:从冲突到共存 被引量:2

Pharmacy Patents VS Public Health: from Conflict to Coexist
摘要 药物专利作为私权利具有垄断性的特点,但这种垄断特性与知识和发明作为公共物品的属性是相互冲突的。在经济社会全球一体化的今天,最贫困国家人民的健康权作为一种基本人权正在受到各种传染病的威胁。可是,现有的国际知识产权法律机制在某种程度上受到了来自发达国家制药寡头利益群体的俘获,导致现有法律机制对公共健康权利实现形成了不合作博弈的制度冲突。国际社会有必要通过利益协调的手段来构建药物专利权与国际公共健康权之间的良性权利生态,最终令各方在均能接受的前提下共同均摊相关利益成本。 As a private right, the pharmacy patent has the character of monopoly, which conflicts severely with the nature of knowledge and invention which are regarded as public goods. During the globalization process, people's health are threatened by the infectious diseases, especially in those most impoverished countries. To some degree, however, current international institutions of intellectual property has been captured by the toppest groups of pharmacy companies from developed countries. And this situation contributes to conflicts of non- cooperative game to public health rights. So the international society has to reform the regime of drug patent by means of interest coordination to build the optimum rights zoology between the patent and public health, in this way can the cost be shared fairly without harming the interests of any party too excessively.
作者 宋阳 左海聪
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期59-64,共6页 Intellectual Property
基金 河北省软科学项目"自由贸易条件下的贸易安全问题"(项目编号:13457690D)资助
关键词 药物专利 公共健康权 制度冲突 权利生态 利益协调 pharmacy patents rights to public health institution conflicts rights zoology interest coordination
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