
Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查诊断胎儿下颌畸形临床意义分析 被引量:1

Evaluate the value of diagnosis fetal mandible deformity in grade prenatal ultrasonography
摘要 目的探讨Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查对诊断胎儿下颌畸形临床意义。方法对来我院进行Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查孕妇常规进行胎儿面部三维表面成像、二维面部正中矢状切面及冠状切面扫查,对可疑病例进行胎儿面部横切面及多角度扫查,并测量下颌骨前后径。结果Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查发现下颌明显内收且短小8例,下颌骨缺失1例,经引产后证实。1例下颌稍短小漏诊,经引产后追踪,无异常表现。结论Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查由于常规进行胎儿面部正中矢状切面、冠状切面及胎儿面部三维表面成像扫查,对诊断胎儿下颌畸形有一定的临床意义。 Objective: To discuss the value of diagnosis fetal mandible deformity in Ⅲ grade pregntal ultrasonography.Methods: Pregnant women detected rountine with fetal faces three-dimensional angiography and two-diamensional midline sagittal coronal planes.Results: 8 mandibles were adduction obviously and 1 mandible was deletion which comfirmed by induction of labor.1 case was missed diagnosis because of short mandible.It hasn’ t any abnormal after postnatal tracking observation.Conclusion: Ⅲ grade prenatal ultrasonography has great clinical value to fetal mandible deformity because of fetal faces detected rountine with midline sagittal planes、coronal planes and three-dimensional angiograjphy.
作者 黄丽卿 徐林
机构地区 中山市博爱医院
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2013年第7期102-103,F0003,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 中山市科技局项目编号:20113A130
关键词 Ⅲ级系统产前超声检查 下颌畸形 胎儿 Ⅲ grade pregntal ultrasonography Mandible deformity Fetus
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