传统的分光光度法或滴定法测定矿石中二氧化钛,操作繁琐,周期长,且分析效率低,不适合大批量样品的快速分析.采用氢氟酸、盐酸、硝酸、高氯酸混合酸和1 mL 1+1硫酸溶解试样,用10%的盐酸进行提取,再以电感耦合等离子发射光谱直接测定二氧化钛含量.试验结果表明,在波长336.1 nm处,钒钛磁铁矿国家标准物质的测定值与标准值基本一致.方法确定在波长336.1 nm处进行实验,二氧化钛的检出限为30μg/g,精密度(RSD,n=12)小于0.8%.方法操作简单,数据准确可靠,适合批量钒钛铁矿中二氧化钛的分析.
The traditional spectrophotometric and titration methods for the determination of TiO2 in sefstromite are of overelaborate operation, long period, and low analysis efficiency and are not suitable for large batches of samples. In this paper, a direct analytical method for the determination of TiO2 in sefstromite by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP- AES ) is proposed. The sample was digested by mixed acid and 1 mL of 1+1 H2SO4, and then it was extracted by 10% HC1. The test results showed that the measured value of the National Standard Reference Materials was consistent with the certified value at the wavelength of 336.1 nm. The detection limit for TiO2 was 30 μg/g and the precision (RSD,n= 12)was less than 0.8% at the wavelength of 336.1 nm. The method is simple and accurate, and is suitable for batch samples.
Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments