针对电能质量参数数据量大,统计指标多的特点,设计了一种基于LabVIEW与Oracle的数据存储与分析软件。软件采用LabVIEW数据库访问工具包DCT(Database Connectivity Toolkit)对数据库进行访问,结合TCP/IP通信协议,存取下位机上发的电能质量参数,利用LabVIEW强大的数据处理能力与丰富的图形图表控件,实时显示各项电能质量参数,软件还提供了丰富的查询功能,能方便地分析各项统计指标,并通过RGT(Report Generation Toolkit)报表生成工具包将查询结果以Excel报表的形式导出。经测试系统运行稳定,功能全面。
As the big amount of the power quality data and its various statistic indicators,an analysis software based on LabVIEW and Oracle is designed in this paper.it uses the DCT(Database Connectivity Toolkit) to connect the database to write and read the power quality data getting from the lower machine through TCP/IP communication.The software realizes the real- time display of the data,taking advantage of the strong data handling capacity and rich controls for graphs and tables of LabVlEW.lt also provides various query functions, making the analysis of different statistic indicators easier.Moreover the Ex- cel files can be exported by RGT(Report Generation Toolkit).
Industrial Control Computer