Objective To investigate the clinical value of high-frequency ultrasound in the diagnosis of mesenteric lymphadenitis in children. Methods 98 children, including 66 boys and 32 girls, aged 2 to 7 years old, with an average of (5.0±0.8) years, who presented with abdominal pain or recurrent abdominal pain and, clinically, were diagnosed with mesenteric lymphadenitis, underwent abdominal ultrasound examination, with which the statuses of mesenteric lymph nodes, in terms of distribution, number, size, morphology, internal echo, ratio of long diameter versus short diameter ratio, blood flow, and RI values were observed in this work. Results The enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes to varying degrees appeared in all 98 patients. The shape of enlarged lymph nodes was regular, with clear boundary, the corti- comedullary boundary was clear or unclear, and the hilar structures were damaged. Color Doppler blood flow imaging dis- played rich blood flow signals within the lymph nodes, Spectral Doppler probed a low--speed low--resistance arterial spectrum: L〉 1.0 cm, D〉 0.5 cm, L/D value ranged between 2.1 to 2.8, the peak systolic velocity (PSV) between 8- 20 cm/s, resistive index (RI) ranged from 0.49 to 0.66. Conclusion The high-frequency ultrasound is convenient, non- invasive, which has an important value in the diagnosis of mesenteric lymphadenitis in children.
Journal of Medical Imaging
High-frequency ultrasound Mesenteric lymphadenitis in children Clinical value