使用PowerPoint设计的课件已满足不了许多课程的教学需要。为了更好地激发学生们的学习兴趣,帮助学生掌握相应的专业知识和技能,利用FlashCS4中内嵌的ActionScript 3.0脚本设计的交互性多媒体课件不但能达到良好的教学效果,还可能发掘出一些学生的动画设计的潜能。本文阐述了如何使用FlashCS4和ActionScript 3.0脚本设计测试型课件。
PowerPoint courseware can not meet the teaching needs of many courses. In order to better stimulate students' inter- est in learning, and help students grasp the corresponding professional knowledge and skills, interactive multimedia courseware is de- sign with ActionScript 3.0 script embedded in Flash CS4. It can not only reach better teaching effect, but also discover some students' potential of the animation design. This paper describes how to use Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3.0 script to design the test course- ware.
Computer & Telecommunication