采用分块有限元法对钢筋混凝土梁进行非线性分析 ,以得到其荷载—挠度全过程曲线。在分析中 ,提出了设置剪切位移函数以计算剪切变形影响的方法 ,混凝土材料本构关系采用了非均匀强化塑性理论来描述。与别的方法相比 ,具有计算量少 ,数据准备简单等优点。
This paper uses block finite element method to obtain the whole load deflection curve for RC beams.In the analysis ,a method for calculating the influence of considering the shear deformation is suggested.The behavior of concrete in compression is represented with nouniform hardenging plastivity theory.Compared with others,the method in this paper has advantages of the simplicity of data preparation and effectiveness of computation.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute