目的探讨腰段硬膜外布比卡因止痛后脊神经反射与肌肉运动阻滞的相关差异。方法男性成年患者50例,随机分为A、B、C、D、E 5组,每组 10例,分别在术后双盲法硬膜外注入 0. 1%0. 15%、0. 2%、0. 25%布比卡因及生理盐水 10 ml,注药前后记录目测类比评分(VAS)。结果VAS评分,A、B、C、D与E组P<0.01;反射变化,A与E组P>0.05,B、C、D与E组P<0.05或0.01;关节运动变化:A与E组P>0.05,B、C、D与E组P<0.01,各组反射与运动变化率相近,但其中反射完全消失率与运动完全消失率之比为5:1。结论布比卡因腰段硬膜外止痛出现运动神经阻滞时,脊神经反射比肌肉运动变化更为敏感,可作为临床示警性指标。
Objective To investigate a difference of spinal reflex and muscular motor block during low epidural analgesia. Method adults50 patients were randomly divided into five groups(n = 10) with double-blinded study, and were injected 8 ~ 10 ml of 'analgesic'which were 0. l%, 0. 15%, 0. 20%, 0. 25% bupivacaine and physiologic saline. To observe contents before the injection and after the injection: visual analogue scale (VAS); refelex activities(low abdominal reflex, cremasteric reflex, knee jerk reflex, Achilles tendon reflex) and muscular motions of the hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint at normal leg. Result in respect of VAS, groups A.B.C and D compared with group E, each P < 0. 01. The reflexes change: group A was compared with group D P > 0. 05, group B. C and D with group E P < 0. 05 or 0. 01; Motor variations of foe joints: group A was compared group E P > 0. 05, rest groups with E each P < 0. 01; variant percentages of the reflexes and the motors are similar the percentage of reflexes disappear was five times the percentage of motor disappar. Conclusion if motor nerve was blocked, the reflexes weaken is more sensitive so that it is may be a warning of the motor blocking during epidural analgesia.
Modern Rehabilitation