

A Multi-path Routing Algorithm in Link Diversity Networks
摘要 多路径路由的负载均衡和重路由功能,使得网络的鲁棒性、可靠性和可扩展性要优于单路径路由,因此成为目前广泛研究的热点问题之一。然而已有的多路径路由算法要么存在潜在的路由环路,要么网络的冗余链路未能充分利用,为此,采用邻居链路屏蔽和源标识嵌入相结合的技术,设计了一种有效的链路多样性多路径路由算法,可以有效地避免路由环路,冗余链路也得到了更为充分的利用。 Load balancing and rerouting in multi-path routing could achieve better robustness,reliability and scalability than single-path routing in the network,so it became a hot topic in research.However,the existing multi-path routing algorithms have some problem,such as potential routing loops,redundant links,etc.Therefore,an effective link diversity multi-path routing algorithm was proposed in this paper,which combines the technology of neighbor link shielding and source identity embedded,could effectively avoid routing loop,and better take advantage of redundant links.
作者 胡建军
出处 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 2013年第2期196-200,共5页 Journal of Nanchang University(Engineering & Technology)
基金 甘肃省高等学校研究生导师科研基金资助项目(1113-02)
关键词 分布式路由算法 多路径 负载均衡 重路由 distributed routing algorithm multiple paths load balancing rerouting
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