奥林匹克公平、竞争、和平的信念,是人类道德、精神、爱与责任优秀品质的显现。对奥林匹克信念的研究,让更多人了解奥林匹克的思想,促使养成这些优秀品质。本研究运用文献资料等研究方法 ,以奥林匹克宗旨、主义、精神等为引导,提出奥林匹克的信念。从奥林匹克与各信念之间的关联;社会与奥林匹克各信念的需要;以及奥林匹克各信念所体现的人类优秀品质三个层面进行论述。旨在对奥林匹克思想的传播与教育全面发展的人做出参考。
The Olympic beliefs of equity, competition and peace are the embodiment of the excellent human quali- ties such as morality, vitality, love and responsibility. The study of Olympic beliefs enables more people to know Olympic ideas and prompt them to cultivate those excel- lent qualities. The discussion in this paper divides into three aspects: the relationship between the Olympics and the beliefs; the relationship between the beliefs and social needs; the beliefs and excellent human qualities. The purpose of this study is to provide valuable information re- garding the propagation of Olypism and the all-round de- velopment of man.
Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science