
日本体育用品产业的文化选择与发展研究 被引量:2

The Cultural Choice and Development of Sporting Goods Industry in Japan
摘要 在耐克、阿迪达斯等欧美强势体育用品企业的商业竞争压力下,日本的美津浓、爱世克斯等体育品牌却能实现夹缝中求生存。日本体育用品产业的转型发展值得我们做出重点研究,为中国体育用品产业发展谋求一条转型通道。文化选择在日本体育用品产业发展转型中发挥了的重要作用,由此衍生出体育用品企业的制度创新与文化选择路径,主要表现在建立"终身雇用"的承诺,为建立恒久的企业文化,笼络了企业员工的信心。学习西方现代企业管理制度,建立体育用品企业工会制度。建立体育用品产业的企业联盟,为企业做大做强并谋求共同的利益提供联系基础。以及企业生产系统整合创新。 In spite of the pressure from strong European sporting goods enterprises such as Nike and Adidas, some Japan sports brands such as Mizuno and Asics are able to survive. The transformation of the sporting goods industry in Japan is worth focused research, for it may help China's sporting goods industry find a transitional chan- nel. Cultural choices play an important role in the devel- opment and transformation of the sporting goods industry in Japan, and system innovation and approaches to cuhur- al choice thus produced are mainly presented in the com- mitment to "lifetime employment", thus winning the con-fidence of the employees in the establishment of long-last- ing corporate culture. The modern Western enterprise management system should be learned, and the sporting goods companies' trade unionism established. The estab- lishment of the sporting goods industry alliances can pro- vide contact foundation for bigger and stronger enterpri- ses, and for seeking common interests. Moreover, it ben- efits the integration and innovation of the production sys- tem.
作者 吴新宇
出处 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期123-126,共4页 Joournal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education:Natural Science
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目(编号:HB12TY014)
关键词 日本体育用品产业 文化选择 改革创新 Japan sporting goods industry, culturalchoices, reform and innovation
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