[目的]为土壤退化的修复、防沙抗沙提供科学参考。[方法]以艾比湖流域的博尔塔拉河下游河岸带土壤为研究对象,对不同植被类型覆盖条件下土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾养分指标进行分析,找出不同植被类型覆盖下土壤养分分布规律。[结果]在地表不同植被覆盖条件下,土壤中的有机质、全氮含量显示出表层(0~10 cm)>20 cm>40 cm>60 cm>80 cm的规律;全磷、全钾含量上下层含量变化较小;研究区土壤养分总体偏低,土壤贫瘠。不同植被类型在从草本向灌木演替的过程中,土壤养分含量(全磷除外)显示出灌丛>灌丛及草本>草本的规律。通过土壤养分指标相关性分析得出,在40 cm以上土层,土壤间相关性规律较明显,其中土壤有机质含量与土壤全氮含量之间呈显著相关性;在40~80 cm土壤层,各养分指标的相关性较差,规律不显著。[结论]该区域养分含量整体偏低;土壤中的全氮与有机质含量具有显著相关关系,两者在不同植被下均呈现灌木丛群落>灌木及草本群落>草本群落的规律。由于全钾、全磷含量主要受土壤母质的影响,该区域土壤母质由河水沉积物构成,径流携带作用使其上下均匀,没有明显的变化规律。
[Objective] The research aimed to provide scientific reference for the restoration of the degraded soil and sand prevention.[Method] Soil samples from Bohe River riparian zone in the Ebinur Lake Basin were taken as study objects.The organic matters,total N,total P and total K contents were measured under different conditions of vegetation coverage to find the law of soil nutrient distribution.[Result]Under different vegetations,the amount of soil organic matters and the nitrogen content in the soil displayed the characteristics of top-down vertical differentiation.The trend of the decreasing in the contents of organic matters and nitrogen could be described as: 0-10 cm 20 cm 40 cm 60 cm 80 cm.The changes was more notable than those of the others.The soil nutrient content was very poor in the researched area,and hence the land was considered barren.The soil nutrient content(except total P) varied with respect to the change in vegetation from herbs to frutices,such as the frutices frutices and herbs herbs.The change in soil nutrient during the succession stage was related to the type of vegetation coverage on the surface.There was a significant correlation between soil organic matters and soil total N(0-40 cm).There was a little relevance between the soil organic matters and total P,total N and K(40-80 cm).[Conclusion] Nutrient content in the region was low.The content between organic matters and total N had significant correlation,and the contents presented the law of frutices frutices and herbs herbs.Because the total P content and total K content were mainly affected by soil parent material which composed of the river sediment,the river sediment had been evenly from top to bottom because of the effect of rivers moving.Hence,the total P content and total K content had no obvious changes.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences