目的探讨高频超声对腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症的诊断价值。方法对25例临床怀疑为腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症患者(剖宫产术后24例,附件巧克力囊肿切除术后1例)进行高频超声检查,并分析其声像图特征。结果 25例患者均经手术或穿刺活检病理证实为腹壁子宫内膜异位症。声像图表现为腹壁切口处探及边界不清、形态不规则、内部不均匀的低回声,彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)示21例包块周边见点状、条索状血流信号而内部无明显血流信号,2例包块周边见半环状血流信号而内部见少许星点状血流信号,2例包块内部及周边均未见明显血流信号;脉冲多普勒(PW)表现为低速高阻动脉频谱:峰速流值5.4~19.2 cm/s,阻力指数0.71~0.85。结论结合临床资料,高频超声诊断腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症准确率高,具有很重要的临床应用价值。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of high-frequency ultrasound in abdominal wall incision endometrio- sis. Methods Twenty-five cases(24 cases after caesarean section, 1 case after chocolate cyst exsection) which were suspected as endometriosis of abdominal wall incision in the clinic were examined by high-frequency ultrasound and the sonogram characters were analyzed. Results All cases were confirmed as endometriosis of abdominal wall incision by patho-operations or biopsy- puncturations. There were obscure boundary, anomal-morph, interior inhomogeneous and low echo-level masses in the sonogram characters. Color doppler flow imaging showed that there was punctiform or trabs blood flow signal in the perimeter of the masses and no blood flow signal in the interior in 21 cases, and there was semiring blood flow signal in the perimeter and punctiform blood flow signal in the interior in 2 cases, and there was no blood flow signal in the perimeter and in the interior in 2 cases. Pulse doppler(PW) showed artery frequency spectrum of low speed( Vs 5.4 -19.2 cm/s) and high resistance (RI 0.71 - 0. 85). Conclusion Combined with the clinical datun, high-frequency ultrasound has high consistent rate and very important clinical application value in the diagnosis of abdominal wall incision endometriosis.
Clinical Medicine
Abdominal wall incision
High-frequency ultrasound