In the present study, we developed a multi-component one-dimensional mathematical model for simulation and optimisation of a commercial catalytic slurry reactor for the direct synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) from syngas and CO2, operating in a churn-turbulent regime. DME productivity and CO conversion were optimised by tuning operating conditions, such as superficial gas velocity, catalyst concentration, catalyst mass over molar gas flow rate (W/F), syngas composition, pressure and temperature. Reactor modelling was accomplished utilising mass balance, global kinetic models and heterogeneous hydrodynamics. In the heterogeneous flow regime, gas was distributed into two bubble phases: small and large. Simulation results were validated using data obtained from a pilot plant. The developed model is also applicable for the design of large-scale slurry reactors.
在现在的学习,我们开发了一个多部件为为从 syngas 和 CO2 的 dimethyl 醚(DME ) 的直接合成的一个商业催化泥浆反应堆的模拟和优化的一个维的数学模型,在搅拌机狂暴的政体操作。DME 生产率和公司变换被调节操作条件优化,例如表面的煤气的速度,催化剂集中,在臼齿的煤气的流动率(W/F ) 上的催化剂团, syngas 作文,压力和温度。反应堆建模被完成利用集体平衡,全球运动模型和异构的水动力学。在异构的流动政体,气体被散布进二个水泡阶段:小、大。模拟结果用从飞行员植物获得的数据被验证。发达模型为大规模泥浆反应堆的设计也是适用的。