AIM: To observe the consolidation effect of visual function training in amblyopic therapy on children with amblyopia of different degrees (mild, moderate and severe) which had been normalized. METHODS: Totally 78 amblyopic children were divided into two groups: visual function training group ( n=36, 70 eyes) and control group (n=42, 67 eyes). The rollback situation of the two groups in 6, 12, 24 and 36 months were observed after visual acuity reached 0. 9 during treatment. RESULTS: The rollback rates were both 0 in visual function training group and control group with different degrees of amblyopia after 6 months. There was no significant difference in rollback rate between the 2 groups with different degrees of amblyopia after 6 and 12 months. There was no significant difference in rollback rate between the two groups with mild amblyopia after 24 and 36 months (P= 0. 269, 0.269). However, the rollback rate in training group with moderate amblyopia was significantly different from in control group after 24 and 36 months ( P = 0. 004, 0. 002). There was no significant difference in rollback rate between the two groups with severe amblyopia after 24 and 36 months. CONCLUSION: Visual function training can reduce the rollback rate and consolidate the effect of amblyopic treatment effectively for children with moderate amblyopia. However, the effect is not as good for children with mild and severe amblyopia.
International Eye Science
visual function training
amblyopic treatment for children