AP1000乏燃料池冷却系统采用了先进的非能动设计理念,事故后以池水升温-沸腾的方式带走衰变热,并通过持续的非能动安全补水保证乏燃料安全。对AP1000乏燃料池冷却系统的事故后冷却能力进行分析发现,在核电厂正常换料工况和应急整堆芯卸载工况下,安全水源重力注水能保证事故后72 h内乏燃料安全;在核电厂正常整堆芯换料过程中应等待约56 h,以保证非能动安全壳冷却水箱可为乏燃料池补水,确保堆芯和乏燃料池安全。长期补水可以通过预留的安全接口持续进行。补水手段事故后有效,仅需操纵员有限干预。相对传统乏燃料池冷却系统设计,AP1000能更好地应对冷却丧失的事件。
The passive design is used in AP1000 spent fuel pool cooling system. The decay heat of the spent fuel is removed by heating-boiling method, and makeup water is provided passively and continuously to ensure the safety of the spent fuel. Based on the analysis of the post-accident cooling capadty of the spent fuel cooling system, it is found that post-accident first 72-hour cooling under normal refueling condition and emergency full.zorn offload condition can be maintained by passive makeup from safety water source; 56 hours have to be waited under full core refueling condition to ensure the safety of the core and the spent fuel pool. Long-term cooling could be conducted through reserved safety interface. Makeup measure is available after accident and limited operation is needed. Makeup under control could maintain the spent fuel at sub-critical condition. Compared with traditional spent fuel pool cooling system design, the AP1000 design respond more effectively to LOCA accidents.
China Nuclear Power