在基于嵌入式操作系统的工程机械智能监控器的开发过程中,完成了文件系统的移植,将周立功公司的ZLG/FS文件系统经过一系列修改,嵌入到监控器的系统程序里运行。文件系统的硬件平台选用三星公司的Nand Flash芯片K9F2808,作为文件系统的硬件依托。文件系统移植完后该芯片就成为系统硬盘,用来存储系统程序和字库文件等。
In the development of engineering machinery intelligent monitoring based on the embedded operating system, the design com- pletes the porting of file system and makes a series of modification for Zhou Ligong company's ZLG/FS file system, and then embedded into the monitor system program to operate. File system hardware platform uses Samsung Company's Nand Flash chip KgF2808, After the file system porting, the chip will be the system hard disk, and it is used to store system programs and front file etc.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems