根据贡嘎山 16块样地的调查资料 ,运用逻辑斯谛模型探讨了暗针叶林不同林型优势木生长动态。建立了峨眉冷杉 (Abiesfabri)、麦吊杉 (Picea brachytyla)和鳞皮冷杉 (Abies squamata)的高、径和材积生长的逻辑斯谛模型。研究结果表明 ,3种林分优势木的高、径和材积的速生期和速生点都不相同 ,林线附近的峨眉冷杉高、径和材积的速生期最短 ,麦吊杉高和材积的速生期最长 ,鳞皮冷杉基径的速生期最长 ;林分优势木的生长动态和森林更新关系密切 ,各优势木的生长指标表明各自立地生态条件差异很大。
Gongga Mountain is representative of the typical mountain ecological system type in the region of the eastern Tibet Plateau with high mountains and deep valleys. Dark coniferous forest is the typical vegetation type of this region. Logistic models were established to describe growth in height, diameter and volume in the dominant trees of these forests at Gongga Mountain: Abies fabri, Picea brachytyla and A.squamata. These parameters were well described by a logistic model. The fast growing period and fast growing points differed among the three dominant trees. The fast growing phase of tree volume in A.fabri occurred at 78~107 years of age, while that of P. brachytyla occurred at 113~152 years. The relationship of relative growth and the different growth indices in the dominant tree species and their dynamics were explored within the context of theories of forests regeneration and succession.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
中国科学院"九 .五"!重大项目( KZ95 1-A1-3 0 1)和特别支持项目 ( KZ95 T-0 4-0 2 )部分研究结果