Objective: To study the clinical value of 11C-MET PET-CT in the diagnosis of recurren! glioma and in plan- ning radiation therapy target. Method: 11C-MET PET-CT examination was used in 22 glioma patients wilh cranial MRI en- hanced scan diagnosed recurrence, pathological diagnosis ohtained hy eraniotumy and biopsy, the three-dimensional conformal radiolherapy target was sketched using the combination of PET-CT images and MR images in 12 eases with pathologically confirmed recurrence. Results: PET-CT imaging of 22 patients with HC-MET: true positive 16 cases, true negative 5 cases, ihlse positive I case and no false negative cases, the sensitivity was 95.5%(21/22), the specificity was 83.3%(5/6), the false- positive rate was 16.7%(1/6), the false-negative rate was 0, Youden index 0.788:12 patients with histologically eonfirmed re- currence were given the three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, target range of 4 cases was consistent with T^WI enhanced region, 2 cases was greater than T1WI enhanced region, four cases was less than T1WI enhanced region, the target range of 2 eases located entirely outside %WI enhaneed region. Conclusion: HC-MET PET-CT has a high accuracy in the diagnosis of gliomu recurrenee, can he used in cases of MRI/CT diagnosis of recurrent, but the clinical diagnosis is not vet confirmed, and can obviously optimize radiotherapy planning in patients with glionm recurrence.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging