针对大兴沟林业局大径级珍贵用材林树种短缺的现状及地理、气候条件 ,确定以水曲柳、红松为主要培育对象 ,其基础是抓好种苗基地建设。本文从种子来源、圃地选择、技术条件。
The Construction of seedling base which the primary cultivated objects were Manchurian Ash(Fraxnus mandshurica Rupr.) and Korean Pine(Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.) were ensured in terms of present situation that larger-sized precious timber species were lack, geographic and climatic conditions of Daxinggou Forestry Bureau. The feasibility in construction of base for cultivating larger-sized precious timber seedlings were discussed on basis of analysis on the resources of seeds, selection of seedling nursery, technological conditions, social benefit and economic benefit.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology