本文的目的分析制苗用传代细胞染色体的变异稳定性 ,以判定其质量。方法采用直接法制取传代细胞染色体标本 ,用常规Giemsa染色 ,10 0 0倍光学显微镜下计数中期分裂相染色体数目 ,求出染色体变异率( %) ,并进行核型分析。结果 F81为亚二倍体细胞系 ,染色体众数为 30 ;Vero是超二倍体细胞系 ,染色体众数为 73~ 75 ;MDCK属于亚四倍体细胞系 ,染色体众数为 12 5~135。BHK2 1为亚二倍体或亚四倍体细胞系 ,亚二倍体众数为 42 ,亚四倍体细胞众数为 72~ 74。四种细胞系的染色体畸变率为 0 %~6 %,均较低。结论是四种传代细胞遗传学特性相对稳定 ,各代次之间无本质差异 。
AIM To analyze the stability of chromosome variant ratio of passage cells for vaccine use. METHOD Chromosome specimen of passage cells was made by direct method, with regular Giemsa staining, and the chromosomes of cells in metaphase were counted under the microscope. Then, the variant ratio of chromosome and their nuclear type were figured out and analyzed. RESULTS F81 belonged to hypodiploid cell line and its chromosome mode was 30, Vero belonged to hyperdiploid cell line and its chromosome mode was 74, MDCK belonged to hypotetraploid cell line and its chromosome mode rage was 125~135;BHK21 belonged to hypodiploid or hypotetraploid cell line and the chromosome variant ratio of four kinds of cells was 0%~6%. CONCLUSION The hereditary character of passage cells is comparatively stable and there is no difference among the different passages.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine
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