
星载微波散射计的在轨定标技术现状及展望 被引量:3

A Review of In-orbit Calibration Techniques for Spaceborne Microwave Scatterometers
摘要 星载微波散射计通过测量海面不同方位向的后向散射系数反演出海面的风速和风向,为了满足测量精度要求,必须对其进行在轨定标。本文总结了现有微波散射计的在轨定标技术,包括有源定标器法、陆地自然目标法、海洋目标法和星星交叉定标法;然后分析了每种定标方法的优缺点;最后,描述了现有定标方法适用扇形波束体制散射计和笔形波束圆锥扫描体制散射计的特性。 Spaceborne microwave scatterometer is mainly used to obtain wind speed and wind direction over ocean surface by measuring the ocean backscattering coefficient at multiple azimuth angles. Precise in-orbit calibration of the scatterometer is re- quired to achieve the desired wind measurement accuracy for both wind speed and wind direction. This paper reviews the in-orbit calibration techniques for the spaceborne microwave scatterometers,which include transponder,calibration over terrestrial natu- ral target,ocean calibration and cross-calibration. The advantages and disadvantages of each calibration technique are analyzed and discussed. Finally,the applicability of each calibration technique for scanning pencil-beam scatterometer and fan-beam scat- terometer is described.
出处 《遥感信息》 CSCD 2013年第3期112-118,共7页 Remote Sensing Information
基金 国家863项目(2008AA09A403) 航天关键技术预先研究项目"中法海洋卫星算法研究与应用预研"
关键词 微波散射计 定标 有源定标器 海洋目标定标法 交叉定标 microwave scatterometer calibration transponder ocean calibration ~ cross-calibration
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