Preferred a Bacillus natto, and contrasted the secondary metaholites secretion, the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, opti- mized the fermentation conditions, analyzed the inhibition and effect of Bacillus natto Secondary metaholites with the common bacteria and pathogenic bacteria in food (including gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria), compared with Nisin and Natamycin which used as the Food biological antibacterial agent. The results of the de- sign on BBD response surface analysis made clear that the metabolic product of Bacillus natto has a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activi- ty. When the fermentation temperature is 37. 12 ℃, fermentation time is 27.99 h, concentration of Bacterium Bacillus natto is diluted 59.94 times, and it has the best bacteriostatic effect to Staph. Aurous. when the fermentation temperature is 37.02℃ ℃, fermenta- tion time is 27.67 h, concentration of Bacterium Bacillus natto is di- luted 56. 31 times, and it has the best hacteriostatic effect toRhizopus. The antibacterial of Bacillus natto secondary metabolites is not better than Nisin and Natamycin, but it has not large change after Heated to 80 ℃ , 20 min.
Food and Machinery