随着油田勘探开发的不断深入 ,浅层油气测井评价也日益受到人们的重视。但是 ,现有的浅层油气测井解释方法不够完善 ,远不能满足浅层油气勘探的需要。为此 ,本文运用各种测井解释方法对中原油田有浅层测井组合资料的井进行了重新评价 ,提出了中子伽马曲线与感应电导率曲线组合法、中子伽马曲线与声波曲线组合法以及中子伽马与感应电导率读值交会法判别浅层油、气、水 ,在实际工作中得到了较好的应用。
With deeper exploration and development of oilfield,logging evaluation of shallow oil-gas has been paid more attention,but the present logging interpretation method of shallow oil-gas is not perfect enough,so it is not to meet the needs of shallow oil-gas exploration.So this article uses various logging interpretation to re-evaluate the wells with shallow logging combination data of Zhongyuan Oilfield,then presents the methods to discriminate shallow oil-gas-water as combination method of Neutron-Gammar Ray curve and Induction Conductivity curve,combination method of Neutron-Gammar Ray curve and Acoustic curve,Intersection method of Neutron-Gammar Ray and Induction Conductivity reading value.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field