2006-2007年通过对14个臂形草品种的生产性能和品质特性的研究,旨在筛选出适宜于热带、亚热带地区种植的高产、优质牧草品种,为热带水土保持和畜牧业的持续发展提供依据,结果表明,1)所引种牧草的存活率、越冬率都在97%以上,说明所引种牧草的适应性强;除MG-4珊状臂形草感染了叶锈病以外,其他牧草的抗病虫害能力强。2)种植第1年Mulato 1杂交臂形草干物质产量最高为(34.84±3.98)t/hm2,与刚果臂形草、Mekong珊状臂形草、杂交臂形草、MG-5×Araes珊状臂形草、MG-5 Vitoria珊状臂形草、MG-4珊状臂形草、Mulato 2杂交臂形草之间差异不显著。3)相关性分析表明,丛径、叶长、叶宽、株高、叶/茎、种子产量与地上生物量呈正相关,对地上生物量的影响大小为:叶宽>种子产量>叶/茎>株高>叶长>丛径。4)选择干草产量、粗蛋白、适口性、抗逆性作为综合评价供试品种优劣的指标,用灰色关联法评价牧草,结果表明,杂交旗草、Mulato 1杂交臂形草、Mekong珊状臂形草、Mulato 2杂交臂形草、MG-5×Araes珊状臂形草、刚果臂形草、MG-5 Vitoria珊状臂形草居前7位,它们属高产、质优、适口性好、抗性强的高产优质牧草品种。
Evaluation of the adaptation of 14 Brachiaria materials from Brazil, Australia and Hainan of China was conducted in southern subtropical areas of Yunnan, from 2006 to 2007 where low temperatures and drought were the disadvantaging factors for forage growth. The over winter rate of all forage materials was more than 97.00%, showing that these forages can adapt to the conditions and can therefore be used for pasture establishment in the southern subtropical zone. In the first year, the forages with higher yield of dry matter were B. hybrid Mulato 1, B. ruziziensis, B. brizantha Mekong, B. hybrid, B. brizantha cv. MG-5 × Araes, B. brizantha cv. MG-5 Vitoria, B. brizantha cv. MG-4, and B. hybrid Mulato 2. Their yields were 34.84±3.98, 31. 57±11. 97, 31. 13±5. 31, 30. 954±5. 13, 28. 41±0. 84, 27. 424±3. 32, 26. 834±3. 49 and 25.14±2.23 t/ha, respectively but there was no significant difference between dry mater yields of the trialled forages. Leaf width was the most important component factor to yield in the southern subtropics, seed yield ranked second and stem/leaf ratio was third, followed by plant height and leaf length. In terms of a combination of dry matter yield, CP (crude protein), palatability and resistance, B. hybrid, B. hybrid Mulato 1, B. brizantha Mekong, B. hybrid Mulato 2, B. brizantha cv. MG-5 × Araes, B. ruziziensis, B. brizantha cv. MG-5 Vitoria were the top seven promising species with high yield, good quality, palatability and resistance in these areas.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica
Brachiaria spp
comprehensive evaluate
gray system theory