
稳定化处理方式对麦胚的贮藏稳定性、抗氧化活性和总酚含量的影响 被引量:3

Effects of stabilization treatments on storage stability, antioxidant activity and total phenol content of wheat germ
摘要 对比了挤压(EX)、红外(IR)、常压汽蒸(AS)、高压汽蒸(HPS)、紫外微波(UVM)、常压汽蒸耦合紫外微波(AU)6种稳定化处理方式对麦胚的贮藏稳定性、抗氧化活性和总酚含量的影响。结果表明:在30 d贮藏期内,未处理麦胚的脂肪酸值增长率为124%,稳定化处理麦胚的脂肪酸值增长率仅为8%~24%;AU稳定化处理效果最好;IR处理的麦胚DPPH、ABTS自由基清除能力都较强;EX处理使麦胚螯合铁离子能力显著增强;各稳定化处理方式对麦胚的总酚含量影响不大,仅EX处理使其总酚含量略微增加。因此,6种处理方式均能很好地稳定麦胚。 The effects of different stabilization treatments including extrusion (EX), infrared roasting ( IR), atmospheric steaming (AS), high - pressure steaming ( HPS ), UV - microwave drying ( UVM ) and atmospheric steaming coupling UV- microwave drying(AU) on the storage stability, antioxidant ac- tivity and total phenol content of wheat germ were compared. The results indicated that within 30 d stor- age period, the increasing rate of FFA in stabilized wheat germ was only 8% -24% , while it was 124% in untreated wheat germ, and AU was the best stabilization method; IR had stronger scavenging activities on DPPH and ABTS radicals, while the ferric ion chelating activity of wheat germ treated by EX was sig- nificantly enhanced ; comparing with the other five stabilization methods, only EX made total phenol con- tent in wheat germ increase slightly. Therefore, wheat germ could be stabilized effectively by six kinds of stabilization treatments.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期31-34,共4页 China Oils and Fats
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31101384) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2011041) 江苏省农业科技支撑计划项目(BE2011377)
关键词 麦胚 稳定化 总酚 抗氧化 wheat germ stabilization total phenol antioxidant activity
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