
基于条件均值反应谱的特大地震强震记录的选取及调整方法 被引量:16

Selection and scaling of ground motion records for great scenario earthquakes based on the conditional mean spectrum
摘要 在PEER地震动数据库(PGMD)的基础上,结合近几年国内外特大地震的地面运动记录,建立了地面运动数据库,同时根据日本MW9.0特大地震获得的141组记录进行统计回归建立加速度反应谱衰减关系,并采用条件均值反应谱法,即设定地震与结构概率需求结合的方法选择地面运动.选波实例表明,当设定地震为特大地震时,基于条件均值反应谱法选取地面运动记录时,扩展数据库中大震记录并建立符合大震记录加速度反应谱的衰减关系是十分必要与迫切的.该思路为进一步研究结构动态时程分析中地面运动记录选取问题及所选记录提供了依据. In this paper, PEER ground motion database(PGMD) at the Pacific earthquake engineering research center (PEER) was updated by 141 groups of ground motion records in Japan Tohoku earquake on March 11, 2011, building an attenuation model of acceleration response spectrum of Mwg. 0, having ex- panded the limitation of this database. Following the disaggregation results from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, the scenario earthquake and the con- ditional mean spectrum (CMS) were set up as the target requirement and the se- lection, and scaling of ground motions for the great scenario earthquake was ad- dressed finally. The results show that the expanded database could reflect the different selection and scaling of strong motion records in great earthquakes,and the suggested method could be applied to the structural spectrum analysis.
出处 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期380-389,450,共10页 Acta Seismologica Sinica
基金 中国地震局基本科研业务专项(2011B06)资助
关键词 日本Mw9.0地震 条件均值反应谱 强震记录 Japan Mw9.0 earthquake conditional mean spectrum~ strong mo-tion records
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