
转型时期欧洲的海外从军现象——以詹姆斯六世及查理一世在位期间的苏格兰为例 被引量:1

Going Abroad as Soldiers in Early Modern Europe:A Study Focus on Scotland in the Reign of James Ⅵ and Charles Ⅰ
摘要 由于国际上对兵员的巨大需求、国内经济的贫困落后及苏格兰高地独特的社会传统,转型时期苏格兰出现了大规模的海外从军现象。当局通过授权制度对海外从军现象实行了管控,力图使海外从军服务于本国外交,并强制社会闲散人员到海外从军。尽管宗教情感和对国王的忠诚都起了一定作用,但大多数人去海外从军的基本动机主要还是为了谋生、追求财富、地位、荣耀或冒险刺激。海外从军现象在一定程度上缓解了人口增长与落后的经济之间的矛盾,有利于建立稳定的社会秩序,推动了苏格兰人向外移民,并加强了苏格兰与欧洲邻国的交流。 Because of the international demand for soldiers,domestic economic poverty and special social tradition,there was a trend of going broad to join the army in Scotland during the transition period.The government tried to utilize soldiering abroad for diplomatic purpose by controlling it with authentication and forcing idle loafers to go abroad joining the army.Even though there were reasons of religious emotion and loyalty to the king,motivation of joining the army for most people was to make for a living,pursue treasure,status,glory or adventure.This phenomenon eased the contradiction between population increase and economic backwardness to some degree and helped in the stabilization of society,promotedmigration in Scotland and strengthened communication between Scotland and its neighbour counties in Europe.
作者 许二斌
机构地区 厦门大学历史系
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期67-76,160-161,共10页 World History
基金 教育部社科基金规划项目"转型时期西欧军人日常生活与社会变迁的关联性研究"的阶段性成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号:2010221068)
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