为了掌握速生桉树无性系在桂东北荔浦县近十年的生长情况和造林成效,给今后桉树产业发展提供依据,按照伐区调查设计技术规程要求,调查其林分相关数据并进行计算分析。结果表明:栽培后3年内为徒长期,3-5年为生长高峰期,5年后为生长下滑期,"数量成熟期"为5年,蓄积量生长总平均值可达20 m3/a.hm2;巨尾桉广林9号表现最好,第四纪红土红壤利于广林9号生长;速生桉生长水平虽不及桂南,但仍是目前该区域收获大见效快的良种推广项目树种。
In order to identify the Lipu county's fast - growing eucalyptus clones nearly a decade of growth, And to provide the basis for future industrial development of the eucalyptus, The requirements of the design point of order, according to the cutting area survey, Survey data and computational analysis of these eucalyptus forest. The results show that the cultivation of 1 - 3 years is the rapid growth phase, and 3 - 5 years is peak stage, five years after is downward phase. Volume maturity is 5 years. Volume average of up to 20 m3/a. hmz. Guang lin No. 9 (Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla) best perform- ance, Quaternary lateritic red soil deep soil conducive to the growth of eucalyptus. Growth level, although not as good as the southern Guangxi, but it still is a species of the high efficiency of the local.
Forest Investigation Design
Fast - growing eucalyptus clones
Guanglin No. 9
Growth curve