As a "freelance" writer, Lu Xun was deeply limited to the field of the literature creation and to the field of the politic power. Lu Xun was not passive to receive those limitations, on the contrary, he was very active to deal with them. He struggled to gain the biggest space for his free talk and selling his wbrks. The essays published in Shen Daily ~ Free Talk were the products of his active attitude tO the fields constraints. It is his adaptation to the requirements for the style and layout of the newspaper, his initiative adjustment of the content and style of his es- says and his quick-witted talk under the literature wet of the government that makes his "free talk" essays so popu- lar with the readers. He leaded the style of writing at that time. The success of his "free talk" essays not only made him have a high remuneration but also gave publicity to his independent personality and his critical spirit as an in- tellectual widely and efficiently.
Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences