

Development and Validation of Resonance Module in Lattice Parameter Code LATC of COSINE Package
摘要 共振计算在反应堆物理计算中具有非常重要的意义。本文基于压水堆组件的特点,开发了用于LATC组件计算程序的共振模块。该共振模块采用成熟的等价理论模型,首次碰撞概率采用二项有理近似,可读取WIMSD格式和WIMSD改进型格式的多群截面数据库,同时可直接提供用于LATC输运计算的宏观截面数据。针对程序运行过程中涉及的大量截面数据计算与传递,对数据存储结构进行了优化,使计算速度有较大提高。基于LATC组件程序对该模块进行了初步验证分析,并与组件程序DRAGON进行了比较,初步数值结果表明共振模块有良好的计算精度,能满足当前轻水堆组件设计的要求。 Resonance self-shielding calculation is very important in the reactor physics calculation.This paper shows a resonance module for the lattice physics code LATC developed based on the PWR fuel assembly features.The resonance self-shielding model adopts the well-proven equivalent theory,and the first collision probability uses two-term rational approximation.The module can read the WIMSD and improved WIMSD format multi-group cross section data libraries,and can provide the macro cross section for LATC transport calculation.It involves a large amount of calculation and data transfer,so the data structure has been optimized in this module to accelerate the processing.Based on the LATC code,the resonance module was preliminary verified.Comparing with DRAGON program,the results show good accuracy and adaptability for the PWR.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第B06期350-354,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家科技重大专项资助项目(2011ZX06004-024) 北京市科技计划资助项目(Z121100003012008)
关键词 共振计算 等价理论 验证 resonance calculation equivalent theory verification
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