
The Influence of Anima in Edgar Allen Poe

The Influence of Anima in Edgar Allen Poe
摘要 Through the analysis of Poe's works and his life, the influence of anima in Poe's soul is explored in this study according to Carl Jung's theory of archetype. Anima is one of the archetypes, which made both negative and positive influences in Poe's life and literary creation, leading him to be the master of poetry and short stories, but also consumed his life and caused his death in the prime. In the study about the influence of anima in Poe, Anima was proved acting as the feminine complement factors in Poe's unconscious, and made Poe more sensitive in literary creation. As Poe knew the man's world and also understood the woman's world, which is the accumulative influence of both negative and positive influences of Anima in Poe, his literary creativity was strong and he had the unique aesthetics.
作者 LIU Jun-min
出处 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第2期113-117,共5页 文学与艺术研究(英文版)
关键词 ANIMA negative influence positive influence accumulative influence 文学创作 短篇小说 累积影响 生活 原型 世界
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