"San Yan" are the best novels' collections of vernacular short stories in ancient China. There are still lots of controversies and research space about the novels' creative era. Through investigation, the author believes that the novel of Kechang Chen Became Immortal in the Dragon Boat Festival was created in the Ming Dynasty. First of all, the author questioned the previous researching point of view that they thought the novel was written in the Song Dynasty; secondly, according to the differences of the criminal justice system in the Song, the Yuan, the Ming Dynasty, the change of "Samen Island" territorial right, proved that the novel couldn't be written in the Southern Song Dynasty;finally, according to the administrative divisions' history of the "Wenzhou government" and "Lin'an government", the author proved that the novel was written in the Ming Dynasty.
Journal of Dali University
Kechang Chen Became Immortal in the Dragon Boat Festival
Samen Island
Wenzhou government
Lin'an government