本文将巫山似人下颌及其牙齿与东非早更新世人属 ,Dmanisi直立人以及元谋的禄丰古猿等做了比较。结果发现巫山标本的尺寸比前二者都小得多 ,而与后者很相符。巫山标本被有些人作为归属人属根据的那些特征大多是人和猿共具者 ,其中前臼齿齿根分叉则是在人类罕见 ,却是禄丰古猿的特征之一 ,前臼齿前接触面位置和跟座比例则反映猿类特征。最接近巫山下颌者是禄丰古猿 ,其间有否祖裔关系尚待更多标本来论证。
The Longgupo mandible was identified as belonging to Homo erectus by Huang et al .(1991) and was suggested to be close to Homo ergaster by Huang et al (1995).The hominid status has been challenged by Wolpoff(1996),Schwartz and Tattersall(1996),Pope(1998) as well as Etler and Zhou(1998) who indicated an ancestor/descendant relationship between Lufengpithecus and the Longgupo mandible.But there is no detailed discussion in these literatures.The present author would like to present a series of comparisons between the Longgupo mandible and various East African early Homo as well as the mandible from Dmanisi to discuss the attribution of the Longgupo mandible.\;Table 1 shows that the width and height of Longgupo mandible is much smaller than those of East African early Pleistocene hominids including ER992 and WT15000 which are considered as belonging to Homo ergaster by some scholars including Huang et al. \;Huang et al(1995) indicated that the bucco\|lingual expansion of the lower fourth premolar makes Longgupo mandible similar to the Homo ergaster ER992.Table 2 shows that the Longgupo premolar is much smaller than the East African early Pleistocene hominids,while the dimensions of Longgupo premolar is just within the variation range of that of Lufengpithecus found in Yuanmou,Yuannan.(some one identified it as Lufengpithecus yuanmouensis) .\;That the width is longer than the length of the premolar crown is not only shown in Longgupo premolar and that of Lufengpithecus but it is also shown in Dryopithecus kaiyuanensis in which the ratios of width to length of the crown of fourth premolar in two individuals are 11 5 and 10 8.\;From Table 3 it is obvious that the dimension of Longgupo molar is concordant very well with that of Lufengpithecus found in Yuanmou and quite smaller than that of all early Pleistocene hominids in East Africa. Huang et al have indicated that the Longgupo premolar has large talonid basin which occupies 2/3 of the total area of the occlusa
Acta Anthropologica Sinica