目的 观察穴位电针刺激对面神经再生过程中表情肌组织神经生长因子 (NGF)表达的影响。方法 日本大耳白兔面神经压榨伤后 ,电针刺激翳风、颧、地仓、颊车、四白、阳白、合谷穴 ,每天 30min ,2周为 1疗程。经 1、2、3疗程治疗后 ,在电生理学及病理形态学证实穴位电针刺激能促进面神经再生基础上 ,应用原位杂交及RT PCR技术检测针刺组及对照组表情肌组织中NGFmRNA表达水平的变化。结果 两组动物的表情肌组织中 ,NGFmRNA表达高峰在神经损伤后第六周 ;神经损伤后第三周 (第一疗程 )、第六周 (第二疗程 )、第九周 (第三疗程 ) ,原位杂交和RT PCR都显示针刺组NGFmRNA的表达均明显高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 在面神经再生过程中 ,穴位电针刺激能明显增强表情肌组织中NGF的表达 ;穴位电针刺激促进面神经再生的分子生物学机理可能与表情肌组织中NGF表达增强有关。
Objective To investigate the effects of pulse electroacupuncture stimulation on acupoint (PEASA) on mRNA expression for nerve growth factor(NGF) during facial nerve regenerating. Methods Both right and left facial nerve of rabbits were crashed and the degree of the injury was Sunderland IV. Then the injuried rabbits were devided into treatment and the control group. One week after injury, PEASA was performed in the treatment group, while the control group was left recovering natruely. The involved acupoints included Yifeng,Quanliao,Jiache,Dicang,Sibai,Yangbai and Hegu. Two weeks was a course of the treatment. In this experimental model, it has beeen shown that facial nerve regeneration had been improved by PEASA pathologically and electro-physiologically. At molecular level,the effects of PEASA on neurotrophic factors such as NGF were tested during the nerve regenerating. When the first(3w),second(6w),and third(9w) course of the treatment were finished in situ hybridization and reverse transcription-PCR technique were aoloped to observe the changes of mRNA expression of NGF in mimetic muscle tissue. Results mRNA expression of NGF reaches the highest level in the sixth week posttraumaly in both the treatment and control groups.In mimetic muscle tissue, both in situ hybridization and RT-PCR technique showed expressional level of mRNA for NGF in the treatment group were significantly higher than that in the control group(P< 0.01 ).Conclusion PEASA demonstrates positive effects on expression of mRNA for NGF in the mimetic muscle after the facial nerve injury. The experiment result suggests some molecular mechanism about the effects of acupuncture.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
国家自然科学基金!项目 (39570 887)