目的 :探索氨甲喋呤 (MTX)单次静脉注射治疗异位妊娠的最佳剂量。方法 :对 97例患者随机分成A、B、C 3组。A组 3 1例采用MTX 1 0 0mg加生理盐水 2 0ml静注。B组 3 2例静注 1 0 0mgMTX后 1 2~ 2 4h内用甲酰四氢叶酸(CF) 1 0~ 1 2mg解毒。C组 3 4例采用MTX 75mg加生理盐水 2 0ml静注。定期监测血 β hCG、血象和肝肾功能 ,观察副反应及临床疗效。结果 :A、B、C 3组成功率分别为 89.66% ,81 .2 5%和 94 .1 2 % ,3组比较差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5)。血 β hCG下降至正常平均天数 ,A组为 1 1 .0 4d ,B组为 1 1 .73d ,C组为 1 5.3 4d ,经比较A、C组间差异有显著意义 (P <0 .0 5)。需第 2次追加MTX用药的例数A组 2例、B组 3例、C组 6例。 3组均无严重副反应发生。结论 :2种剂量 ( 1 0 0和 75mg)MTX单次静脉注射均可作为成功治疗异位妊娠的选择剂量 ,但 1 0 0mg更具用药后血 β hCG下降快、追加用药次数少、不用CF解毒 ,副反应亦未出现加重等优势。
OBJECTIVE:To investigate a safe and effective intravenous single dose of methotrexate(MTX) in the treatment of early ectopic pregnancy.METHODS:97 patients of ectopic pregnancy were divided randomly into 3 groups.Group A with 31 cases was treated by singlye dose intravenous MTX 100mg.Group B with 32 cases was with the same dose of MTX and rescued with citrovorum factor(CF).Group C including 34 cases was treated with 75mg MTX by intravenous injection.The effectiveness and side effects were observed.RESULTS:The successful rate of treatment for the above 3 groups were 89.66%,81.25%,and 94.12 %,respectively and there were no significant difference(P>0.05).The average days of decreasing serum β hCG to normal were 11.04,11.73 and 15.34 days for the 3 groups respectively.There was difference between group A and C patients(P<0.05).The successful cases of treatment needed MTX for the second time in 3 groups were 2,3 and 6,respectively.Side effects were reversible and minimal in this study.CONCLUSION:The single 100mg or 75mg intravenous MTX to treat early ectopic pregnancy was effective,but the single dose intravenous MTX 100mg without CF rescue was more beneficial to decrease serum β hCG concentration,injection times,and the occurence of side effects was not increased.
Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy