运用生态系统定位监测方法,于2011年在上海市奉贤区海湾国家森林公园内设置面积为100 m×100 m的样地,记录样地内的所有植物种类,定位调查高于1.3 m的木本植物,分析其种类组成、区系成分、垂直结构和水平结构。结果表明,1 hm2样地内共记录有维管束植物31科68属73种,其中温带区系成分占总属数的51.8%,热带区系成分占46.4%。高于1.3 m的木本植株3 094株,其中常绿树种6种,共1 670株,重要值占48.0%;落叶树种7种,共1 424株,重要值占52.0%。女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)、喜树(Camptotheca acuminata)、椤木石楠(Photiniadavidsoniae)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)、黄山栾树(Koelreuteria integrifoliola)和香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)的重要值位居前6位,在垂直空间上呈分层结构。在0~50 m尺度范围内,女贞种群均呈集群分布,喜树种群呈均匀-随机-集群分布,椤木石楠和乌桕种群表现为集群-随机-均匀分布,黄山栾树和香樟种群表现为随机-集群-随机分布。从群落结构特征看,样地为以北温带成分、泛热带成分为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,表征了该地区自然植被的结构特征。建立长期固定样地可为长三角城市化地区平原地貌上城市森林的发生、发展和演替规律提供长期的数据基础。
A long-term monitoring of community structure and its dynamics of urban forests using the permanent plot- based approach may help reveal development direction and intrinsic mechanism of the forest community. A 1 hm2 lot was set up in the Haiwan National Forest Park, Shanghai, in 2011. Survey was made of the plot and record kept of all the spe- cies of plants in the plot, particularly arbors taller than 1.3 m, for analysis of species composition, floristic elements, and vertical and horizontal structures of the community. Results show that a total of 73 species of vascular plants were recor- ded, belonging to 68 genera and 31 families. Of the 68 genera, 51.8% were of the temperate flora and 46.4% of the tropical one. Arbor individuals taller than 1.3 m reached 3 094, of which 1 670 individuals were evergreen trees of 6 spe- cies, accounting for 48.0% in community importance, while the remaining 1 424 individuals, deciduous trees of 7 spe- cies, accounting for 52. 0% in importance. The six species, i.e. Ligustrum lucidum, Camptotheca acuminata, Photinia davidsoniae, Sapium sebiferum, Koelreuteria integrifoliola, Cinnamomum camphora, were in the top of the list in impor- tance, forming a hierarchic structure, vertically. At a 0 - 50 m scale, L. lucidum trees were distributed in groups, C. acuminata trees in an even-random-group pattern, P. davidsoniae and S. sebiferum trees in a group-random-even pattern, and K. integrifoliola and C. camphora trees in a random-group-random pattern. In terms of characteristics of population structure, the plot was a patch of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest dominated with north temperate and pantropic floristic elements, which characterized structure of the natural vegetation of the plot. The establishment of such long-term monitoring sample plots may provide data for following origin, development and succession of urban forests on ur- banized plain area of the Yangtze River Delta.
Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
permanent plot
community structure
urban forest
plain area