In order to systemically investigate the influence of ionic strength, iron (hydr) oxide and curves and retained profiles. The results showed ionic strength greatly affected the transport of TiO2 nanaparticles in bare quartz sand. With increasing ionic strength, the magnitude of ζ potentials of both TiO2 nanopartieles and sand decreased, as a result, the mobility of TiO2 nanoparticles decreased and the retention increased. Compared with the results obtained in bare quartz sand, the retention of Ti02 nanoparticles was significantly enhanced under the same ironic strength by the presence of iron (hydr) oxide presented on the quartz sand. Since the retention of TiO2 nanoparticles was under favorable conditions in iron due to the existence of a net attractive interaction between iron nanoparticles. The results obtained in iron (hydr) oxide-coated sand ionic strength on TiO2 nanopartieles transport and retention can (hydr) oxide-coated sand (hydr) oxide and Ti02 suggested the influence of be neglected under this favorable deposition condition. Contrary to the results obtained in the presence of iron (hydr) oxide, humic acid in nanoparticles suspensions facilitated the transport of TiOz nanoparticles in bare quartz sand. The presence of humic acid, even at concentration as low as l mg/L significantly enhanced the mobility of TiO2 nanoparticles, as well as weakened the influence of
Journal of Basic Science and Engineering